The Right To Purchase From Who We Want

In these great United States, all citizens have certain rights granted to them by the Constitution. That’s not news. But one of our most powerful rights not listed in the Constitution is this one, the right to purchase products or services from any business that we darn well choose!

When companies make terrific products, we the people purchase those products and thereby increase their revenues to allow them to get bigger. But when the same companies make not so terrific products, we don’t purchase them and that affects their ability to grow. At least until they correct what went wrong or come up with something better. Pretty simple concept. Do it right, you make money, do it wrong, you don’t. It occurs all the time, millions of times each day.

But what happens when a company’s products are great, but they dip their toes into social and political waters that we the people don’t agree with? That’s right, the same thing can happen. People stop buying those products, revenues drop and that gets the attention of the business owner. That is the awesome power of not purchasing goods from certain companies, or in other words, a business boycott.

The latest example of a boycott is going on at Anheuser-Busch. Their product, Bud Light, a very popular beverage that is enjoyed all over the fruited plain, is not being purchased by people that disagree with their recent marketing campaign of a using a transgender activist spokesperson. Sales of Bud Light, particularly in the Midwest and South have plummeted. This has resulted in a loss of more than $5 billion in AB stock value. Folks that kind of message is being heard by the business owner, loud and clear!

Like any good Fortune 500 business’s response to the now social-media crisis, Anheuser-Busch is quickly using its media and advertising muscle to correct and to save public face. And ultimately AB will probably save face. But what is great about this story is the confirmation of the fact that you and I have can make a difference with our pocketbook or money app every day. So let your voice be heard!

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